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Product Endorsements

Dogs and cats need all natural, raw, fully-balanced food ingredients. So that’s what we give them. ZiwiPeak dog and cat food’s made with fresh, natural, raw wild prey meat and organs. No artificial additives. No preservatives, fillers or grains. Nothing artificial. Nothing but the best natural ingredients for thriving dogs and cats. It’s what healthy feeding is all about.


We use this brand exclusively for our kennel, as well as a majority of our furry friends. This food will help keep all your dogs and cats trim and in vibrant health! This food along with organic greens and homeopathic supplements have turned around the health of our geriatric and failing furry friends, as well as newly acquired pets.

Amber Technology Botanicals carry many types of homeopathic nutraceuticals including natural antibiotic and anti-parasitics and worming, as well as an array of products for the natural treatment of Coccidia, Giardia, Kennel Cough, the Canine Flue, etc. We treat all our pets including our LoyalChi's safely with their products! Many of their products may be used even when a dam is in gestation or lactating.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties. Essential oil uses range from aromatherapy, household cleaning products, personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments.


Benefits come from their antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These healing oils are rapidly growing in popularity because they act as natural medicine without any side effects. We also treat (by air, skin and water) all our animals with these precious natural plant-based oils.


In our opinion, Young Living stands at the forefront, due to their long term high standards and integrity in the industry. Young Living designed and built the largest, most technologically advanced essential oil distillery in North America. In harmony with these efforts, Young Living developed its groundbreaking Seed to Seal® process, which preserves the integrity and potency of essential oils through every step of the production process. All their oils are primarily extracted through careful steam distillation, but also through cold pressing. The purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted.

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